Saturday 30 May 2015


I don’t want to begin with a pessimistic perspective but contradicting to my usual self I would honestly want to state that silence is gold while speech is silver. It’s rather miraculously golden..!


Look back in your past, may it be when you were in school and had a fight with one of your friends, may it be when you were not chosen to play at the park with some kids, may it be when you were not asked out by anyone for the prom night, may it be when you were not invited to a college party, may it be when you were compared with your friends or siblings as you were not as amazing as your parents expected, may it be when you were not given a job due to some partial reasons, may it be when you’re working and some obnoxious colleague is trying to bring you down for no reason in front of your boss, may it be the first time you were screamed at by your kids or may it be when your grandchild say that they had grown to be smarter and wiser, may you be anybody who has gone through something so out of control that you felt nothing but helpless, one phrase is going to run through your mind and that is your mother saying “Let it go child, you know your value is not going to decrease by someone’s inability to see your worth.” This quote is so beautiful that it sees right through you and aids right where you are hurt.
 It was dawn and standing with my mother on the porch I and my mother were having our favorite mother-daughter conversations, how I wish they were endless because they are so reassuring that I feel all my problems resolve. It was then when I asked her how she deals with people who talk endlessly but when revised their talks are so empty. Their talks and actions also sometimes make us feel so bullied. Is it only me who is over thinking over such conversations? She smiled and said nothing is wrong with you! It’s been going on since ages. Bewildered I asked her what has been going on since ages. She couldn’t control her laugh anymore, she laughed and said people talking endlessly, trying to talk around everything instead of proving anything has been happening since ages. It’s nothing new. You listen from one ear and throw it out from the other because when thought upon they are only going to depress you and leave you drained out.
That’s when I realized we have since the beginning been in a time where sitting around and talking, judging and self-appraising is also known as passing time. We all have been victims to unimportant talks which we regret as we could have done something productive, we have had talks that ended with self-doubt and a feeling of utter annoyance and of course an unhealthy company will lead to us saying things which we will later regret, but do we keep letting people get to us? People who bring nothing but negative vibes? That’s when silence helps us. It increases our conscience and leads to betterment, it leads to conversations with ourselves and that’s when we get to be ourselves and mainly know ourselves, it helps us become a better human being and what’s a better mark left behind then a mark of being a genuinely good person.

Saturday 3 January 2015

So Sudden

 These two words are exactly the words that can sum up all my thoughts in the recent past. I fell down so suddenly and I got up so suddenly, I loved so suddenly and made plans so suddenly, I made mistakes so suddenly and learned so suddenly, and suddenly I realized I am not that little girl any more. Life gave me so many sweet and sour lemons and suddenly so much time has passed by, so much time that I am left speechless…


   After years an invitation to a family function of my closest relatives had arrived at my doorstep. I was more than happy. Finally a get together where I’ll get to catch up with every lovely cousin of mine, I’ll get to meet my blessed grandparents, I’ll get to shop for saares, lehengas and jewelries with my mom and aunts, I’ll get a taste of amazing desi food and I’ll get to make fun of everyone without anyone being offended. Finally a function, a reunion where everyone feels so loved and so cared.
My excitement level was unimaginable as the day to meet everyone had finally arrived. I and my mother entered the main door of my aunt’s house where we were going to stay and were welcomed by this huge roar of happiness awaiting us. All my aunts, uncles, little siblings and my grandparents gave us this overwhelming welcome just like I had imagined.
After all the catching up I was suddenly quiet, I kept quiet and observed. Everyone around me was planning for the upcoming function, talking non-stop, shunning the kids, rehearsing the function layout and discussing important things when I glanced towards my little siblings and realized they weren’t little anymore. There used to be a time when they were just babies and now suddenly they are all grown up making me think and forcing me to have a flash back. I was oblivious to the fact along with them I had grown too.
I felt a rush inside of me, a rush that shouted out that quite some time had passed by. I then felt like grabbing every second of every day  because that mattered so much now, now that I realized that every second passed had gone into a place which could be kept alive only in the form of memory. I suddenly felt so alive, so in the moment and so liberated as I got a huge and very much needed wake-up call. It made me realize I have so many dreams to fulfill, so many places to explore, so much of laughter to spread, so many hearts to win, so many people to love, so many people to get inspired from, so many people to inspire and so much of wisdom to acquire. These thoughts rang in my mind throughout the function and I was so grateful about it. I wouldn’t have realized it otherwise and I felt so blessed. I made the most of that day and I can’t think of any other way in which I could have enjoyed that reunion.
Life according to me moves at the speed of light; it comes by you and leaves you so fast making you wonder when did the time go by. Make each and every second count, live in the moment, don’t waste time pondering around predicting the future and don’t waste time regretting over past and long lost opportunities, because the present is what you must life for and live in.
These are the things told to all of you by so many, but yet why do you tend to ignore it? It’s better to awaken yourself before it’s too late, life is too short if you procrastinate your decisions and live for tomorrow, life is perfectly apt if you live for today. So wake up and live, because that’s your only job and you better do it like a boss.   

Friday 29 August 2014


The cycle of thought process is unending. May it be positive or negative, the number of conversations one has with oneself throughout the day is innumerable and they are reflected on one’s character. These facts are obviously known to everyone yet why do people tend to live in oblivion to its perks?
Decisions, decisions, decisions…
The sky was grey, the weather was cold, there was uneasiness in the air and silence demanded to be heard. Her thoughts were taking control over herself and melancholy had clasped her tightly. There was no reason behind this depression. The reasons seemed very mere to her, almost like they didn’t count to be saddened on. Priya was just having a bad day, one of those days where everything seems wrong and not in accordance with one’s wishes.
She dragged herself out of her bed and stood in her balcony, the view was breathtaking. The trees swayed on the hills, the sun was hidden beneath the clouds, a flock of birds flying across the vast sky and voices of little kids playing below. So much of bliss around and yet she was struck by sadness. She closed her eyes and a flashback of 18 years of her life rolled like a movie in front of her. It consisted of so much of everything. Every incidence of her life had always been extreme. She felt life had been brutal to her until a long lost memory came to her mind.
Priya was once caught cheating in her class test in 10th grade; her teacher was disappointed in her. Luckily the fury lasted short and Priya was allowed to finish the test but was called to the teacher’s office later that afternoon. Along with a little scolding her teacher said one thing that she still remembers clearly, she said “Life gambles, it will persuade you that wrong is right and it is you who decides whether to believe in your instincts or just go with the flow, life will challenge you in every step and will try bringing you down, it’s you who decides if you give life that chance.”
She then wondered was she giving life a chance to bring her down? Was she in a state of sadness for no reason at all? Was she letting life get to her? She hysterically laughed to herself, at her stupidity. She walked out the balcony, feeling blissful…
So many people live their life at the verge of profound despair, mainly because they let negativity get to themselves. It is so easy to be happy and yet people choose to be sad. That’s right, choose. One chooses to be how they are. One chooses to shun the silver lining of the cloud, one chooses to shut themselves up and one chooses to live each day the way they want. It all depends on our decisions.
Decide to live and not survive. Decide to be happy or better, ecstatic. Decide, because through these decisions you are shaping yourself. Decide, because you become what you think. Decide to choose the right path of the crossroad. Decide, because your decision matters.

Saturday 9 August 2014

“Transition”, an intrinsic part of life.

I thought life was a blend of perfection but little did I know that my insight was its reason, I thought bliss kissed everyday of mine but little did I know that bliss within me was the reason, I thought strength can be attained with experience but little did I know that patience and time were equally crucial, I thought everything around me changed but little did I know that knocking out the bombarding of life had lead me towards change.


One may generally expect a very comforting and cushioning dose of explanation when they are living in a situation of sudden change and need counseling on how transition is truly an intrinsic part of life, but this is no sentimental article. In my opinion there are just three words for every person who is struck in this melancholy of life and the words are, Deal with It. It sounds harsh and cruel but that is a very honest and valid answer that brings an end to all your queries and long hours of over thinking.

Everyone strives to make their lives perfect. The definition of perfection in everyone’s life is very different and most of them manage to attain it but the sad part is people then strive to maintain the perfection forgetting that the future is not in their hands. People do not change until the circumstances around them change and change in circumstances is inevitable.

Dealing with change has more than one explanation, it means ignoring the negatives of the change, learning from the ruthless and harsh realities, getting back up for another round, preparing yourself for taking another risk, learning to laugh it off, bringing a stop to the struggle in the pool of despair and swimming towards the shore of happiness, doing things for yourself and living your life oblivious to happenings around the world, living your life your way, the way it’s supposed to be.

One may try running away from change, as fast as possible and as far as possible but change is like our very own shadow and every second, may it be day or night is filled with sunshine. It’s going to persist. Change has many effects, it can be towards betterment and it can also direct itself towards the opposite but our retaliation towards it defines us. Till now you may be under the conscience that you can control your life but that is not true, subconsciously and unknowingly the responsibility of your happiness lies in the hands of people close to you, people according to you are trustworthy which seems unreal but is in fact true. You cannot control a certain number of things but the one thing that is in your and only your hands is your power to distribute importance and priorities to what you think is worth and necessary, the power of letting go and the power of ignorance towards unwanted but inexorable change.

Learn to deal with change before change is the reason for your very own transformation. A transformation you never wanted, a transformation that causes you to lose everything that means the world to you, a transformation that sucks out your happiness…

Thursday 31 July 2014

Really, you wound up with that person?

As a disclaimer I would want to tell my readers that this is no article for making any kind of person feel inferior neither is it in regard to a certain individual and yes, I do respect every human being for who they are.
I have seen so many people drown in melancholy over someone totally undeserving and hence, this is just an eye opener to every person in distress because you are beautiful just the way you are and you deserve so much better. Also, I have seen people with really undeserving people and wondered “I would have been happier to see you in the former distress than the distress you are unaware of but are presently in!”

I just wonder why..?

Not long before did I attend a wedding, of course it was grand and the entire mob of people along with the families of bride and groom seemed ecstatic and joyous. A general curiosity of yours would be why the word “seem”? An answer to that my friend is, the marriage was not very much in accordance with the bride’s family. The bride was a very well educated, talented and independent woman. She was raised with lots of love, care and proper guidance by her very extrovert parents. Little did they know that their little daughter was having a 6 year long affair with a neighborhood boy from when she was a teenager. The family of the boy was not very well off and also they were very introvert. In very much contrast to the girl, his education qualification was not quite enough to make ends meet and also his behavior, group of friends and company were not applaudable. This boy was none other than her husband, the groom. Her parents, closest relatives and friends tried to counsel her out of this as she deserved so much better in life but because she was blinded in love she did not even budge from her decision. Her life had so much of happiness awaiting her but she chose a different path, of course she did what she wanted to do but was it worth so much of sacrifice? Did she see the long term conditions? One may only wonder what if...
There are so many people all around the globe with someone without whom they could have been better off. People generally misunderstand psychological dependence and the filling of the void as love and little do they know that it may seem that it’s doing good to them but in reality it’s draining out their energy.
Love is when your partner helps you grow, encourages you towards betterment and helps you succeed. If the person you are with is very much opposite to the above then I think we may have a problem.  Leaving someone for your betterment is not selfish but sensible as you both can do better and can find someone worth each other. On the other hand getting your heart broken is not a bad sign but a good sign for the very same reason.
Diving into the shallow end of pool by making life decisions without perception is an act of stupidity.  Life is this beautiful gift to man-kind. Finding the right people for yourself, falling in love with a person who deserves your league and learning from your mistakes is all what life is about, so you better make most of it before the story of your life ends with “what if…”

Monday 28 July 2014

Be a ball of happiness ready to burst.!

 “Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.”

-         Margaret Thatcher
The above quote is so easy to practice and yet we compel ourselves to complicate our lives, thinking about all the downfalls and disappointments, so how about for a change we think happy and view our own destiny.
Here are some tips for optimism and bliss and how they’ll ease your livelihood.

Steps towards better living

     1.)          Don’t turn into a mean girl, learn to appreciate..!
  May it be an exquisite dish made by your mother or a long walk with someone you love, may it be your dad trying to teach you a small but important lesson of life or your grandmother surprising you with a toffee, you must never forget to appreciate their effort because they did it for you.
No amount of money or materialistic happiness can ever be compared to something so pure and beautiful because happiness attained in this form is ever lasting. Appreciation also blooms the front person up, so why keep shut?

2.)             Don’t be Grumpy the dwarf!
No one would want to be in a company which sucks out their energy and depresses them because in today’s world energy is a very necessary and essential commodity! Everyone has their own queue of problems troubling them and adding your own bunch would not help. Learn to think positively and have happy thoughts, because as you already know now you become what you think. Be the source of cheer and joy, that’ll not only make you feel good but might also make up the mood of everyone else around you.

3.)             Stop being so cynical.
A lot many things tend to happen in everyone’s life all around the world, but having a pessimistic view to all the situations is extremely wrong and practically unhealthy. One must learn to accept certain things and try thinking of positive outcomes instead of finding something or the other wrong in it. Finding goodness in everyone and everything is an art and who knows, the situation that felt so hugely saddening and the person who seemed like a jerk might actually turn out to be good and unexpectedly lovely.

4.)             Have no indifference..!
The opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Everyone has been through something that is still bothering them and making them feel secluded would be the last thing they would want to happen to themselves. Learn to love the people around you because nothing makes one feel happier than being loved and feeling wanted.

So wrapping it all up, learn to be a ball of happiness ready to burst, that will not only make your day but will also make the day of everyone around you!

Saturday 26 July 2014

She spoke up and she was helped

It’s hard to believe the front person when just mere philosophical words come out of his/her mouths and that’s what made me think, what is better than a very live example? Here is a true and a short story based on an incident happening in my very own life and is very much in regard with my previous post. If you haven’t read it, here it is
Now that you have an idea where I am going with this post, let us begin.

Vaishali spoke up..

Vaishali, our maid has been working for us for 9 years now. She is a single mother who works very hard. She has shifts at different houses throughout the day to not only make ends meet but also to enjoy small luxuries of life. She has learnt to make some exquisite dishes from my mother and prepares it with the same love and vigor for all of us. Over these many years Vaishali has come very close to our family and still aspires to learn from my mother.
Vaishali’s son Prathmesh gave his 10th board exams and wanted to get admission in a college in Kolhapur (her hometown) for doing his diploma in mechanical engineering. One out of many harsh realities was, Vaishali belonged to minority class and had to go to college for three days consecutively for her sons admission. The line for this process was unimaginably long and people waited for hours and hours to get it done. With the tight schedule of her own and her son’s admission on her mind Vaishali was extremely stressed as the admission had yet not taken place. Her son being quite talented and intelligent was still being lashed in turmoil created by society. Her work was getting affected due to this as she used to be late because of this process and was hence very often yelled at.
The background she came from had taught her from her childhood to take orders and not be outspoken. She was one strong woman but of course an ask for help from whom according to her were her superiors was quite a big deal for her. She was struck in melancholy and due to the made up rules of the society she was not able to ask for help.
One day she had had enough of it and thought of getting out of the shell created by the world around her. She kept her conscience in mind and with boldness came up to me for help. I have always believed that help is always given to those who ask for it and I admired Vaishali for the courage she showed. I was not known to the crisis she was in and instantly helped her out fill all the forms she needed when I was known to her problems. Along with that I also went to her son’s college to get all the necessary information. She was ecstatic and relieved.
If Vaishali would have not spoken up for herself and had not asked for help her life could have taken a different turn, a turn we would not have been happy about.

Asking for help and speaking out in the time of need is necessary, only over doing it during the times when it’s not required seems like a baggage. So be outspoken, be bold and be courageous as it will lead you to happiness and self-content.