Thursday 17 July 2014

Anne Frank- A symbol of inspiration.

There are only handful of books I have read till now that have caught my attention but this one book has inspired me the most. Innocent and exceptional mind-set of Anne will not only show you the brighter side of life but will teach you how one can be high-spirited even in the worst case scenario.

The Diary OF Anne Frank

 For the first time in years did I feel content, exhilarated, conscious and totally in conscience after reading a book. I read book after book and after so much of longing did I feel so astound.
    Anne Frank, a girl of mere 13 who once woke up and decided to write a diary not because she was very keen on doing so but just because. Her story began with the diary as her birthday gift which soon became her only listener not practically but accordingly. You might think that why on earth would anyone be interested in reading unbosoming’s of a teenager whose diary started with “Dear Kitty”, but mind you people that The Diary Of Anne Frank is much more than that.
Anne Frank’s diary comprises of her trying to survive with her family by living in hiding for years until the invasion of Germans in the year of 1940's to stop and the Jews be freed. A life lived for two years without stepping out, without viewing the nature, without proper meals and only the people inside to converse with. A life lived in agony, in despair, in utter depression and melancholy; but why? The reason being, only because they were Jews! She saw her friends, loved ones and people who meant so much to her die in concentration camps and genocides. But why? The reason being, only because they were Jews!
But Anne’s insights were so inspiring, her spirit to live so admiring and her boisterous nature so easy to be fond of that she turned out to be perfect role model. Though fighting her way through the adolescent crisis and amidst all the confusion buzzing around her head every single second, her maturity is way beyond imagination. Anne did have some humorous happenings in "the secret annexe"(their hiding place), she made her life worth living by keeping herself buried in history, family trees of royalties and writing. Her life in secret annexe also took a turn towards a little bit of romance with a friend who with his family shared the place for hiding. Anne never missed a chance to surprise you, to shock you and to share despair with you throughout her entire diary. 
I found this book really amusing because for the first time I read my thoughts, not in my diary but in a diary of a girl, who used to live in this same world but shared a mind just like mine, shared a passion just like mine and shared emotions just like mine and for the first time I felt heard.
Anne Frank was an ordinary girl with extraordinary ideals. Her diary takes you to a whole new world, a world where you forget yourself and you forget your surroundings. She takes you to “The secret Annexe” and every time an air raid occurs or bombs explode, Goosebumps are a sure to be felt right across your spine. Her thoughts are so practical, so affirming and so eye opening that you will be left speechless.
Anne in spite of being so brave and strong was not able to survive and died just two months before they were announced to be freed. Her death causes tears trickle down your face and makes you wonder what if…But mind you, she died a fighter.  

Anne doing a thing she was most passionate about,writing.

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