Wednesday 16 July 2014

Look beyond the enclosure

Haven't you ever wondered what would have happened if  people forgot the meaning of hope and lived their life in despair? Seems's extremely horrifying but alas! Some people do live in such circumstances. To all those people who want to get back up, live the dreams they have buried in sorrow and see life straight in the eye because they wont dare to even budge when life shows them all kinds of downfalls, here's a source of encouragement to you.

Amidst all the fury that once seemed so huge…

Amidst all the fury that once seemed so huge and amidst all the agony caused by someone who meant something so much, help can be found in the darkest of all places if you just remember to ignite the candle of hope.

 Why put yourself through the same thought process which is going to backfire at you with darker, deeper and colder thoughts? Why put yourself into a roller coaster ride which seemed thrilling at first but turned nauseating and full of despair when it became endless? Why think so much and complicate every situation when the entire world but you know it’s totally worthless?

Amidst all the fury there are lives to change, amidst all the fury there is positivity to spread, amidst all the fury there are new people to meet and new places to travel, amidst all the fury there are dreams to chase, amidst all the fury there is beauty within yourself to discover and admire, amidst all the fury there is a little requirement to be narcissistic, amidst all the fury there is panache; glow; innocence to recapture, amidst all the fury…
If there is hope within, then there is nothing in the world to be afraid of.


  1. Hi Simran, I like how your blog is so positive and cheerful! Keep up the good work!
