Tuesday 15 July 2014

Blessing in disguise.

How often does a heart get broken and how surreal are our reactions to the emotionally wrecked victims. My first blog is not going to be all sentimental asking everyone to move on that very second, but rather an insight of that saddened life and a helping hand to that girl in a way that she doesn't feel offended or disgraced but feels understood and helped. 

To every girl whose heart was once broken…

You miss him. You are starting to feel happy, starting to realize what to focus on, starting to get out of oblivion but one second of just the thought of his humor, his face and empty void in your heart used to be brimmed by him puts you in the state of melancholy and then again, You miss him.
How is it the fault of universe whom you curse so much, how is it fault of Karma whom you blame so much, How is fault of yourself when you were just finding someplace comfortable, finding a little pleasure, finding a little bit of happiness, finding that part of you which you never knew you had it in you, finding peace, finding hope, finding something that triggered your happiness and your state of being alive, finding something which you thought didn’t exist till then..
Is your being happy resulting a jolt of happiness in him? Is your sadness a reason for him being quite and looking at a distant which seems nothing to us but a wide range of thoughts to him about you? Does your existence seem like a reason for him to wake up with smile every morning? Is your innocence being misunderstood as stupidity and impracticality to him? Do you even matter or you’re just fantasizing him missing you, convincing yourself that somehow you make a difference, convincing yourself that everything you do is to show it to him, to give him an answer to a question he never asked but to a situation he created, convincing yourself that whatever you did actually made him want you back in a way, convincing yourself that his world once revolved around you.
Does it look like you wanted this? Do you seem ecstatic in this crisis? Did you ever want this to happen to you? Even a mule would have been able to crack this!
But doesn't the sun rise every day? Don’t people bashed by life’s cruel jokes get up every morning, get back up their positivity and live life as if it were a rehearsal for a grand show and a teeny tiny emotional bombarding was not going to make any difference as the show’s climax’s, humor and joy stole the audiences attention in a way that there was no place in their hearts for wrecking hardships! Didn't life get better? Didn't little things once you used to ignore be a reason for your only happiness? Didn't you start appreciating what life gave you rather then what it took away from you? Didn't love happen again not with anyone but with everyone, with everything, with yourself?
So GET BACK UP! Because life has so much to give..! It’s selfless when you think from mind and selfish when you think from heart. GET BACK UP! Because you have positivity to spread and that isn't happening when you are not optimistic. GET BACK UP! Because you have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince charming at last ;)

1 comment:

  1. GREAT writing.. Looking forward to more posts from you.. ;)
